Everything you need to lead engaging virtual or hybrid Training on LIFE AFTER AMERICORPS
Save time and help your AmeriCorps members
Imagine if you could support each one of your AmeriCorps members in transitioning to their next step?
It’s tough out there for your members this year. They are thinking about making major life decisions when none of us knows what is going to happen next month.
What jobs will be available?
Will it be safe to move to chase a dream?
Can I still afford school?
You know that feeling of uncertainty and anxiety, because you are facing it too. Your plans for your program and your members this year were upended. You can’t just rely on what has worked in the past. You want to support your members but you don’t know how.
We’re here to help.
The Life After AmeriCorps in a Box has what you need.
Submit your information below to purchase. If you would like to see a live demo of the LAAB before you buy, book your demo appointment here.